Trans activists scramble up building to save banner from government theft. 

As employees were returning from their extended bank holiday weekend, activists were anxiously waiting. Knowing that the staff at the Department of Education would likely do something to disrupt their protest. At half 9, their fears had been realised.  Earlier on the 27th August at 6am, the Trans Kids Deserve Continue Reading

Trans Woman Challenges Requirement to be Unmarried for Legal Transition in Japan

On 16 July 2024, a trans woman petitioned the Kyoto Family Court to allow her to legally transition while remaining married, making the case that the requirement to be unmarried is unconstitutional. A description of the case is available on Call4’s website here (Japanese/English) and a PDF of the petition Continue Reading

A Snag on the Way to Marriage Equality in Japan

Following WhatTheTrans’ earlier piece on same-sex marriage alternatives in Japan, a number of municipalities have either begun listing, or are considering listing, same-sex partners as common law spouses on locally maintained resident registries (details on this development can be read about in “In First, Gay Couple in Japan Wins Common Continue Reading