Content warning: Mentions of suicide, self-harm and child deaths. Transphobia and systematic workplace harassment. Every time I speak to people working inside the NHS, I hear this line without fail: “I’m going to sound like a conspiracy theorist here.” But with every person I speak to, it always rings true. Continue Reading
Did the Cass Review shred the truth?
tl;dr Almost a year ago, when the Cass Review’s final report was released at midnight, I was preparing for a long night of reading while making a cup of tea. As I skimmed through the 388-page document, I quickly tweeted out potentially problematic claims from the report to help more Continue Reading
Yet Another Court Finding for Marriage Equality in Japan
On 13 December 2024, the Fukuoka High Court found that the current state of Japanese law which disallows same sex marriage is unconstitutional. This is in keeping with two previous High Court rulings, one in Sapporo and the other in Tokyo, which we have reported on earlier. While the other Continue Reading
Another High Court in Japan Finds Lack of Marriage Equality Unconstitutional
On 30 October the Tokyo High Court handed down its decision on a case of three couples who have petitioned the courts to declare the current marriage system unconstitutional and to allow same sex couples to marry and enjoy the privileges that come with it. The court did indeed find Continue Reading
Why is the Sandyford wait time so long? What the numbers can tell us.
Why is the Sandyford wait time so long? What the numbers can tell us. 15-20 minute read. CN: towards the end of this article there is mention of suicide. This article discusses in-depth the operation of Sandyford GIC including information about number of appointments offered and waitlist increases, and may Continue Reading