Content warning: Mentions of suicide, self-harm and child deaths. Transphobia and systematic workplace harassment. Every time I speak to people working inside the NHS, I hear this line without fail: “I’m going to sound like a conspiracy theorist here.” But with every person I speak to, it always rings true. Continue Reading
PODCAST – Villains & Jokers
On this hopefully-interesting episode of What the Trans?! Flint, Alyx and Ashleigh get into the gory details of: Ashleigh’s Other Podcast: A life on the progressive side | MS Society Action Alley Petition: Lift restrictions on prescribing puberty blockers to trans children. – Petitions The Trans Literature Preservation Project: A Continue Reading
Did the Cass Review shred the truth?
tl;dr Almost a year ago, when the Cass Review’s final report was released at midnight, I was preparing for a long night of reading while making a cup of tea. As I skimmed through the 388-page document, I quickly tweeted out potentially problematic claims from the report to help more Continue Reading
Two New Papers on Qualitative Research Not Included In Cass
Two papers published in December 2024 and January 2025 as open articles delve into narrative accounts discussing trans health care for adolescents and young adults. These papers are based on research commissioned by the Cass Review, but which were conducted independently of it, over a period between March 2022 and Continue Reading
PODCAST – Losing Our MindEds.
On this bumper episode of What the Trans?! Ashleigh, Flint and Alyx go over: References Action Alley Trans Pride Brighton call out for volunteer fundraisers QueerAF inviting pitches for Trans+ History Week – Deadline February 16th TransActual – Meet Us, Hear Us Harrow Hate Crime Teenager stabbed in transphobic attack Continue Reading