Trans Woman Challenges Requirement to be Unmarried for Legal Transition in Japan

On 16 July 2024, a trans woman petitioned the Kyoto Family Court to allow her to legally transition while remaining married, making the case that the requirement to be unmarried is unconstitutional. A description of the case is available on Call4’s website here (Japanese/English) and a PDF of the petition Continue Reading

Tavistock whistleblowers allege increase in waiting list deaths ignored by NHS management and Dr Hilary Cass

By Milo from Glasgow Content warning: this article contains an in-depth discussion of deaths and suicides of young trans people, including the suicide of a named trans young adult, Alice Litman. It is also in general pretty depressing, but we believe this is important to report on so that it Continue Reading

UN Report says EHRC gave Government a Blueprint for Trans Discrimination

The United Nations Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity released his report recently following a visit to the UK from April-May 2023. In summary, it is damning in parts and glowing in others.  The report takes a clear stance in line Continue Reading