Multiple trans people were assaulted by the security team at Butlins in Skegness which recently hosted Bang Face Festival this past weekend. Reports are currently of several physical assaults which started after a member of security followed someone into the women’s bathroom and ordered them out.
This information comes from a video and post made on Instagram over the weekend by one of the trans women assaulted. The post states the disturbance began over security noticing someone go into the women’s bathroom with facial hair. A guard reportedly told the customer they were a man and “not allowed”. Everyone in the bathroom made it very clear the person security singled out was not making anyone uncomfortable and was welcome in the space.
People should be able to access facilities in peace and dignity whether cis or trans, but in response to being told there was no problem, a security guard left and returned with ten more. During this escalation, some inside began chanting “Let them pee” and “Let her wee” in an effort to support and protect the victim from harassment. Guards responded by forcibly removing people instead of simply leaving them alone.
Five trans people were physically thrown out of the bathroom, dragged, pinned against walls, the woman that made the aforementioned post says she was dragged down a flight of stairs. In a comment on the post by someone else who was present and started the chanting to show such an attack wouldn’t stand, corroborated that security were escalating the situation with physical force and shouting “You’re a man”.
As is often the case with counterculture gatherings, Bang Face has many LGBTQIA+ customers; Trans+ and queer artists have played on its stages, including this weekend, and it is a longstanding part of the rave scene in the UK. The security team Butlins contracted seemed unable to maintain professional practice around those they were employed to protect and has led to Butlin’s taking action.
In an update, the poster said she had a meeting with Butlins following the incident and were told 2 of the security guards were removed from festival staff on Sunday and separate investigations are being undertaken by Butlins and the company they hired. We reached out to Butlins press, and on Twit/X the Butlins Big Weekender account responded to one of our tweets on the situation with the following statement:
“Hey, we’re aware of the incident and take things like this very seriously. We are in contact with those involved and please be assured we are looking into this matter further”.
The posts on Instagram also ask that anyone with footage of what happened to contact her with the evidence. She’s also spoken about the support she received on social media and throughout the rest of the event from others at Bang Face, saying “It just draws in the fact that the only people taking issue here were those security guards, and basically everyone else at the festival was completely on our side”.
When we reached out to them for a statement, Bang Face had this to say:
“After what was an overwhelmingly positive weekend during an incredibly difficult year, we were greatly saddened to hear of the incident involving Butlin’s third party security company.
We have been working with those involved, friends in the trans community and Butlin’s to assist with positive change.
Bang Face has always been a safe space for ravers and a place to express individuality and creativity.
One day, we hope the rest of the world will catch up with the inclusion that has always been part of the rave scene.”
We have predominantly used gender neutral language throughout as we do not know all the identities of those involved asides from the woman who made the initial posts; please get in touch if you have any further information so we can correct pronouns and any relevant details.
Update 11/10/2024: Butlins released an apology for the incident saying the hired third-party security in question did not follow their policies.