PODCAST – Blocker Bans and Tory Shams

In this episode, Ashleigh and Alyx break in one of our new hosts, Amber, by talking about:

  • Current Health Secretary Victoria Atkins bans the use of puberty blockers for trans young people, but not for cis ones.
  • Sarah Jane Baker, held prisoner since July 2023 at the direction of the then-Home Secretary, is freed!
  • Attacks on the Equality Act 2010 ramp up as the election looms.
  • An update on the UKCP’s decision to withdraw their signature from a key document opposing conversion therapy.


Blocking Puberty Blockers

QueerAF – Let down, horrified and disgusted – parents and young people respond to NHS England’s plans to force trans youth to medically detransition

Good Law Project – We’re taking urgent legal advice on mental health guidance for trans youth

Good Law Project Crowdfunder

Sarah Jane Baker is Freed

Sarah Jane Baker Freed From Prison – What The Trans!?

Attacks on Equality Act

BBC News – Tories pledge to tackle ‘confusion’ over legal definition of sex

Scottish Court Case – https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/docs/default-source/cos-general-docs/pdf-docs-for-opinions/2022csoh90.pdf


Telegraph – Psychotherapy body rows with trans activists over conversion therapy memo – hosted on archive.ph