PODCAST – A Love Letter From the EHRC

On this “fun-packed” episode of WTT?! Ashleigh and Alyx go over:

  • Some rare good news from Sweden and our own Court of Appeals.
  • That ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ we spoke of last time.
  • The EHRC sent several trans organisations a letter! Isn’t that nice? (Hint; no it isn’t)
  • And we pass the mic to Dr Cal Horton, who has some very well-expressed thoughts on the Cass review.


Puberty blockers blocked: In Wales, in Scotland, in England (article from March 2024)

Good news from Sunny Sweden! BBC article

Scottish gender service. Scotsman article

NCPS and the MOU: TACTT Statement

Ryan Castellucci. Leigh Day article

EHRC Letter: TSN on Twitter, TRUK on Twitter

From Dr Cal Horton’s section, the below references were provided by Dr Horton.

“My peer-reviewed scoping study of all current literature on social transition: C, Horton (2024) The importance of child voice in trans health research: a critical review of research on social transition and well-being in trans children. International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-18

My published research on trans children’s experiences with social transition, gender clinics and puberty blockers (none of which is acknowledged anywhere in Cass report) can be found here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=F-4iS6UAAAAJ&hl=en

My peer reviewed critique of the Cass approach:

Horton, C. (2024) The Cass Review: Cis-supremacy in the UK’s approach to healthcare for trans children. International Journal of Transgender Health, 1-25

Other referenced studies:

Ristori and Steensma (2016) Gender dysphoria in childhood. Int Rev Psychiatry 28(1):13-20. (This article is not open access, but on the above link you can click on references and see the references this literature review relies upon. I critiqued this review back in 2017 here: https://growinguptransgender.com/2017/03/04/a-plea-for-better-transgender-research-on-the-perpetual-myth-of-desistance-and-the-harm-of-social-transitioning/. Since this blog was written in 2017 the evidence of benefits of social transition has continued to grow (see 2024 scoping review above). The evidence against social transition has not grown, it relies upon this same 2016 literature review.

The Cass commissioned York systematic review on social transition: Hall et al (2024) Impact of social transition in relation to gender for children and adolescents: a systematic review. Archives of Disease in Childhood.”