– (Possibly) Transphobic gyms?
– GRA reform confusion!
– America is the worst!
– We talk race, racism and being a trans guy with Jackson King!
1.David Lloyd Gyms full statement on trans inclusions:
As a company, we follow the industry guidelines advised by UKactive, with the overall aim of all facilities being as inclusive as possible.
David Lloyd Leisure (DLL) has always worked to ensure that our clubs offer the highest quality facilities, and provide a welcoming environment to all, regardless of ability, race, sexuality or gender.
We treat all our members equally, and have zero tolerance for any behaviour which puts at risk, disrespects, discriminates against, or causes concern to other members or to our team.
That said, we recognise and support the particular challenges facing our transgender members and would never knowingly seek to disadvantage or discomfort them, or any of our members. Indeed we see no reason why a discussion of the status of someone’s gender would ever take place unless this was raised by the member themselves or there was an issue of some sort.
Contrary to recent comments DLL does not have a practise of arbitrarily asking people for a Gender Recognition Certificate or any other such documentation; and should an issue arise for any reason we would trust and support our local teams to work with individual members one to one to resolve any problem sensitively and discreetly.
2. Statement from Maria Miller MP’s spokesperson:
Maria was referring to a number of wideranging recommendations made by the Women and Equalities Select Committee report “Transgender Equality” in 2016. It is ultimately for the Government to evaluate the arguments / evidence put forward and decide what action to take.
I would urge you to contact the Minister for Women and Equalities directly to find out about any proposed changes to the legislation.
3. Guidance from Minister for women & Eqaulities Penny Mordaunt’s spokesperson:
· The Gender Recognition Act 2004 sets out the process by which a person can change their legal gender through obtaining a gender recognition certificate. In the consultation, we asked how we might reform the Act to make it less bureaucratic and intrusive for the people that use it.
· We received over 100,000 responses to the consultation and are working to analyse these.
· The Government Equalities Office met over 100 organisations in the run up to, and during the formal consultation period. This included LGBT, trans and women’s groups.
· The GEO met the campaigners that expressed concerns, including those campaigners attending two events on the topic hosted in the Houses in March and October.
· The Government is committed to maintaining protections for single sex services, and will consider as part of its response to the Gender Recognition Act consultation whether any further action is needed to ensure this is the case.
4. Buzzfeed article (Trump’s trans troop ban update)
5. Throw money at these lot to help American trans folks!
The American Civil Liberties Union – https://www.aclu.org/
Lambda Legal – https://www.lambdalegal.org/
The GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders – https://www.glad.org/
6. Help Chelsea Manning!
Donate to her legal fund here: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/chelsea-manning-needs-legal-funds-to-resist-a-grand-jury-subpoena
Follow her support committee here: https://twitter.com/ResistsChelsea
Here is guidance on how to send letters to Chelsea:

7. GWithTheT!
8. Interesting podcast about trans folks in Manila!
9. Jay Smooths amazing videos on race, racism and white people.
How To Tell Someone They Sound Racist – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Ti-gkJiXc
10. White Fragility paper by Robin DiAngelo
11. Why I’m No longer Talking To White People About Race